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Share your experience with us and get free Cleanse and Conditioner minis!

*Offer valid for orders purchased at full price and only after at least 5 days of use. One offer per household. Limited to the United State of America only. This offer is in no way dependent upon the quality of feedback that you provide, whether positive or negative, and it is not required to publish your feedback on the website that you purchased through.

To help us find your order, please enter the Amazon Order ID of your Act+Acre purchase.

Option 1: Amazon Order History

Click HERE to go to Your Orders in Amazon

Option 2: Email Receipt

Search “Amazon order” in your inbox and copy/paste the Order ID


Sorry! It looks like you just received your product, and we want to make sure you have some time to try it. We’ll send you a reminder in a few days. If you have any questions in the meantime, email us at hello@actandacre.com or check out our FAQ.
It seems you have Sorry! It looks like you received your product less than 5 days ago, and we want to make sure you have some time to try it. We’ll send you a reminder when it’s time! If you have any questions in the meantime, email us at hello@actandacre.com or check out our FAQ.

We value your feedback!

  • Why did you choose Act+Acre?
  • What goal or condition is it helping you with?
  • What products were you using before Act+Acre?
  • How has our product impacted you and your hair since you started using it?

Thank you for supporting us!

Your feedback can also be very helpful to other customers who may be searching for products they need! We encourage you to share your experience on Amazon (it’s not mandatory to redeem, but it’s super quick!)

Step 1: Copy Your Feedback

That’s it! Confirm your shipping address below to receive your free Cleanse and Conditioner minis (or gift them to someone else!)

Address Confirmation

(*) Mandatory

You’re all set! You’ll receive a confirmation email with a tracking number when your minis are on the way!