How long will it take for the capsules to work?
Different vitamins play different roles in an individual body, resulting in different responses. Vitamins will only be effective if taken consistently and as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle. Research shows that you should experience benefits with the Act+Acre Thick + Full Hair Capsules within as little as 30 days. However, we recommend taking these for a period of at least 90 days in order to reap the full benefits.
Can I take these capsules with other vitamins?
Yes, you can take these with other multivitamins, but we recommend taking them at different times. If you have further questions or concerns, we would always advise consulting your healthcare provider.
My Thick + Full Capsules look a bit off-color—is this normal?
100% normal– Our capsules are made without any synthetic fillers or dyes, so what you're seeing is natural. The ingredients may separate into their crystalline forms, making spots of the capsule appear cloudy or discolored, but this has no impact on the safety or potency of the formula.