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Caring for Damaged Hair

Caring for Damaged Hair

Caring for Damaged Hair
4 min read

Whether it be due to overusing hot tools, going a shade or two blonder than your hair could handle, or even using hair products full of synthetic ingredients like silicones and sulfates– we’ve all felt that our hair has been compromised at some point in time.

If you ever find yourself in this case scenario, here are a few easy things you can do to help get your hair back on track:

Turn down the heat

Your straightener and curling iron do not need to be at the highest temperature available to work effectively– aim for around 365 OF (or 185 OC). It’s hot enough to style your hair with ease, but will prevent excessive heat damage. Additionally, before turning on the blow dryer, air dry your hair for as long as possible to minimize the amount of heat it will need from blow drying. Cut the air drying time in half by first placing your hair in an absorbent hair towel–Opt for using a towel with soft bamboo fibers opposed to cotton, as rough cotton fibers can create friction and lead to further damage.

Be gentle

As hard as it is, try wearing your hair down as often as possible. Repeatedly tying it up in tight buns and ponytails is one of the easiest ways to cause breakage. If you have to put it up, try using satin scrunchies or loosely putting it up in a jaw clip.

Show gentleness when brushing too–your hair is in its most fragile state when wet, so we suggest only using a comb to detangle at this time. Start at the ends, and gently work your way up. Opt for a soft-bristled brush to gently smooth and detangle your hair when dry.

Condition, Condition, Condition

A gentle, nourishing conditioner is going to be your best friend when working on repairing damaged hair. When applied, conditioner helps to fortify the hair cuticle with a protective coating, which gives it strength and shine. Make sure that when you do apply conditioner, to wring your hair of excess water first. This will allow the product to absorb into your hair better, and ensure the hair shaft receives all of the product’s nourishing benefits.

Trim Regularly

By regularly removing split ends, you are preventing them from splitting further up the hair shaft, which will make your hair appear even more damaged. We suggest getting a trim every 4-6 weeks if you are maintaining a certain length or haircut, or every 8-12 weeks if you are working on growing your hair out.


Mending your hair from damage is completely possible, but it is not something that can be done overnight. There are many products on the market that promise immediate results–try not to be fooled by these! Most of these contain synthetic ingredients that will only hurt your hair in the long run. It may take time for your hair to properly heal the correct way, but we promise the outcome will be worth the wait.

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