Towards the end of last year, we decided we wanted to put our products to the test. The results? Better than you could ever imagine.
We invested in a Princeton-led clinical trial to quantify the removal of build up on both the scalp and hair by using Act+Acre products. Tresses of hair were randomly selected to reflect dirt/grease buildup on the hair shaft. They were then scanned using spectroscopy (a fancy technique that allows scientists to look closer at the molecular structure of something) to assess the initial presence of oil/buildup.
Our products were then applied to each tresse, washed, and left to air dry. All tresses were then rescanned to assess buildup removal.
The result?
—Our Essentials removed 95% of build up on the scalp and hair after one single use.
What does this mean?
By using our three-step system, you should notice an immediate removal of buildup, reduced inflammation and a healthier scalp overall. Continued usage will considerably help in keeping any scalp issues at bay, while continuing to promote stronger, healthier hair growth.